Definición de Sistema Operativo

Un Sistema Operativo es una colección de programas de sistema que juntos controlan la operación de una computadora. Actúa como intermediario entre el usuario y el hardware de la computadora con dos objetivos principales.

  • Controlar el hardware de la computadora: Estos recursos de hardware incluyen el procesador, memoria, dispositivos de almacenamiento, entre otros.

  • Proveer una interfaz al usuario: Organiza las aplicaciones de tal forma que sean de fácil acceso para el usuario. Cuando una aplicación es abierta el sistema operativo le provee una forma estable y consistente de comunicarse con el hardware para que no tenga que lidear con todos los detalles del hardware.

Tipos de Sistemas Operativos

Batch-Processing Operating System

Time-sharing or Multiuser Operating System

Multitasking Operating System

Real-time Operating System

Multiprocessor Operating System

Embedded Operating System


The main functions of a modern operating system are as follows:

  • Process Management: As a process manager, the operating system handles the creation and deletion of processes, suspension and resumption of processes and scheduling and synchronization of processes.

  • Memory Management: As a memory manager, the operating system handles the allocation and deallocation of memory space as required by various programs.

  • File Management: The operating system is responsible for creation and deletion of files and directories. It also takes care of other file-related activities such as organizing, storing, retrieving, naming, and protecting the files.

  • Device Management: Operating system provides input/output subsystem between process and device driver. It handles the device caches, buffers and interrupts. It also detects the device failures and notifies the same to the user.

  • Security Management: The operating system protects system resources and information against destruction and unauthorized use.

  • User Interface: Operating system provides the interface between the user and the hardware. The user interface is the layer that actually interacts with the computer operator. The interface consists of a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program.

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